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The Edinburgh Sewcial Club Address

5th Floor - Studio 5.10

Edinburgh Palette (St Margaret's House)

151 London Road



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The E.S.C. workshop is based inside Edinburgh Palette a huge building near Meadowbank stadium chocked full of artists studios, small businesses and exhibition space.

Getting there:

Walking / By Bus

London Road (street entrance)

There is a bus stop just beyond the London Road entrance (please do not follow google map walking instructions as this takes you through carpark)

Bus 4, 5, 15, 26, 44 etc.

ART sign on the side of the building and Edinburgh Palette sign above entrance door.

By Car

Access to carpark from Restalrig Road South (Register's of Scotland Carpark) (1st left if you are coming from London Road)

Follow the one way system all the way around to furthest building - door for entry at loading bay - please be aware this is not well sign posted or lit - this is an over spill carpark of Registers of Scotland and should only be use out of business hours.

Please leave enough time to travel and arrive 15 minutes prior to the start or the class so we can grab a cuppa and begin the class on time.

St Margaret's House, 151 London Road, 5th Floor, Studio Number 5.10           

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